Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Psalms 23!

So a few weeks ago in my Sunday school class we were looking at Psalms 23 and studying it a little bit. We were given an assignment to write our own Psalms 23 and make it personal. I thought 'yea sure that's a pretty good idea, but I don't really want to do it and it wont hurt anybody if I don't do it'. Well then all the ladies started reading theirs and I thought 'I can't write anything as good as that, I'm not a very good writer.' And after hearing a couple of them read their Psalms I started to kind of feel convicted, but I was being stubborn and thought that I didn't have to do and that I didn't really want to do it. So I had already made up my mind that I wasn't going to do it, but then God had other plans for me because while I was sitting in church one Sunday He just started popping these one lined verses in my head and I just started randomly jotting them down on a piece of paper. The next day I was getting ready to do my Sunday school lesson and I felt like I couldn't really do my lesson until I worked on my Psalms. So I started playing with it a little bit and it just kind of started coming together. I almost had it finished and the worst thing possible happened...WRITERS BLOCK! Oh how I hate when that happens! Well I thought, 'since I have writers block I guess I just wont finish it cause I'll probably never get passed this part.' And yet again God had other plans for me because last night He just started filling my head with ideas for it. And guess what? I finished it last night! I can't tell you how accomplished I felt and how good I felt after I had finished. And I'm wondering now why was I so stubborn about it in the first place because I really actually enjoyed writing it. Hopefully I learned my lesson, but who knows.
 So would you like to read my Psalm? Yea I kinda figured you probably would so here it is.

My Psalm 23

The Lord is my caregiver
I shall not be forgotten
He teaches me His ways
He makes sure I listen and obey
He picks me up and carries me
He leads me down the right path for His glory
Even if I fall down and get hurt I will not fear
For You will pick me up and kiss my wounds
You will brush away my tears
And sooth my soul
You are always watching over me. 
Your sweet words and loving touch they comfort me.
You strengthen me up in the presence of those who try to hurt me.
You shower me with loving kindness,
I am overjoyed.
Yes love and goodness will always be with me
And I will be monitored by Your love and care forever. Amen.

I hope you enjoyed it because I truely did enjoy writing it :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


  Well on Friday my family decided to have a last minute camping trip! Which I was very excited about because I had been begging for one for a very long time now. I was hoping that a lot of people would go with us, but everyone was already busy since it was a last minute thing. So it ended up just being daddy, mama and me which was still a lot of fun. I'm not one of those 20 year old who don't like going out and doing stuff with their parents, or  who are embarrassed to be seen with them. I absolutely love doing stuff with my mom and dad. All three of us are just so close I kinda consider them like my best friends. We just know how to have fun together and act crazy together and I can pretty much talk to them about anything and everything. I am just so thankful that God has blessed me with such wonderful parents and with such a wonderful relationship I have with them. Not a lot of people my age are as close to their parents as I am and sometimes I take that for granted.
  Alright I kinda went off on a bunny trail there so let me get back to the camping trip now. So Friday after my dad got home from work which was about six something we rushed around the house getting everything ready and then we headed out. Luckily the place we camped was only about 10 minutes down the road from us. We camped at Waxahachie Creek Park which is a camping place out at Lake Bardwell and it is so beautiful down there! So we got there and we set up the tent which was quite comical cause it was the first time we set up our new tent we got and we had to figure out how to do it. And I just have to say this tent was huge and it was pretty awesome, it even had it's own screened in porch area! After we got the tent set up daddy and I went to town and bought all the food and supplies we needed and we also bought some pizza for supper haha. We stayed up late and built a fire and had smores and listened to the guys next to our camping area sing which was kinda entertaining. Then my favorite part of camping happened, we woke up early right as the sun was rising, but I was kinda sad because it was cloudy and we couldn't watch the sunrise. But we got a fire going and we cooked breakfast over an open fire. I have to say that there is nothing better than breakfast cooked over an open fire. That is like one of my favorite parts about camping, that and the smores of course. When we got done with breakfast we cleaned up and got dressed and broke down camp and packed everything up and then we went on a nature walk. They have a bunch of trails out there so we all had a camera and we took lots of pictures and just enjoyed God's creation. And after that we just went home. I didn't want to go home I would of loved to stay another night but we had church today. I just love camping so much! I want to go on a week long camping trip, I think that would be so much fun. I don't know what it is about camping that I love so much. I guess it's just being out in nature and enjoying what God created.
 It has been such a wonderful weekend and I don't want it to end! I am so very thankful that God has blessed me with such a wonderful life! :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Good things come to those who wait!

Well as you know I have been doing this prayer life study with my sunday school and I'm loving it. In fact I just got done doing my lesson for today a little bit ago. It is already helping me so much! It has helped me not only with my patience, but also with some other things I have been struggling with in my life.

WARNING!! I'm about to reveal what has been going on inside my head the past couple days. Yes, scary I know!
   Alright here goes nothing! So for awhile now I have been struggling with the fact that I don't have a guy. And it gets harder and harder when I see all my friends in relationships and getting engaged and married and what not. And then I start thinking is there something wrong with me? Why doesn't anybody like me? Why can't I find a guy? The there is nothing wrong with me, yes people like me I'm just overreacting and the reason I can't find a guy is because God hasn't brought him to me yet. I know that in the right time, in God's time He will bring me the guy of my dreams, He's just isn't finished with him yet. God has a plan for me and I just need to be patient and let Him reveal it to me in His time. God also knows the desires of my heart and that if I "delight yourself/myself in the Lord, he will give you/me the desires of my heart. Psalm 37:4"
  So for now I just need to not worry about guys and just focus on the Lord! He's the only one who will never leave me and will never let me down. I need to grow in the Lord and have a fire and a passion for Him, so that I can become a godly woman whom God would bless with a goldy man so that we might raise children who will follow the Lord with their whole hearts. For right now I am just letting God prepare me for when He thinks the time is right. And as I am waiting I like to remember that old saying, "Good things come to those who wait!"

P.S. I hope I didn't scare you too much :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Patience and Understanding!

Patience and Understanding
   To some patience may seem like a little thing. To me patience is a big thing and is what helps me get through my day. I always thought that I was a pretty patient person, but lately I've been tested quite a bit and I have found that I was lacking. So I thought to myself  "how can I learn to be more patient?". Well I wasn't really sure how to do that and I was getting discouraged. Then the opportunity came for me to do a 13 week series in my Sunday school called Prayer Life. I was a little hesitant at first but I knew that prayer is one of my weakest areas in my spiritual life so I thought that it would do me some good. So last week we started it and I absolutely fell in love with the study from the beginning. When you think of praying you just think of you talking with God and asking Him to help you with stuff that's going on in your life. But there is just so much more to prayer than that (and I would love to go in to detail about it but I don't want this to be too long and it's only the second week in the series so I will wait til we are further along). While doing this study I realized that I can't have patience, that God has to give me the patience. So at the beginning of last week I prayed everyday for God to give me patience and understanding throughout my day especially at work, and the other ladies in my Sunday school class prayed for me too. And you know what?! God answered my prayers and He allowed me to have patience and to be calm with my kids even though they were crazy and driving me crazy. And I know that it may seem like such a little thing to have, but oh to have patience is such a wonderful thing!
  So as I start my day tomorrow I will ask the Lord yet again to bless me with patience and uunderstanding to help me get through the day. You should try it too, you never know what could happen!


Saturday, March 5, 2011

I love the weekends!

I used to have one of these, but I haven't used it in forever so I couldn't get into it so I just decided to make a new one. I hope I can keep up with this one better than the last!

   Well lets see, where to start? This past week was actually a pretty good week at work. All my kids were surprisingly good for me, which made my week go by really fast. And if you don't know this about me I pretty much love the weekends! Especially the weekends where I'm crazy busy, and that's how this one has been. I just wish that weekends were longer. I think that we should work 4 days and have a 3 day weekends, but that's just me. So yesterday after I got off work I spent my afternoon doing dishes (yes I know that sounds like so much fun), and then we went to a thing at my church. It was a cookout and some people came and did the personality test on all the people in the church. It was a lot of fun and it was really cool to see what everyone was or was not. And of course we didn't leave the church last night til pretty late just cause that's the kind of people we are.
   Ok so moving on to today, my mom and I got up kind of early so that we could go to Cedar Hill to go shopping for some things I need for Chelsea's bridal shower. I got most of everything I need except for the food and a couple other things. I also got me a cute dress, I just couldn't go shopping and not buy anything for me haha. After shopping we had a lunch date at chick-fil-a pretty much my favorite place ever! I got to try their new banana pudding shake which was absolutely amazing! Oh my gosh it was so yummy! Then soon as we got back from shopping we had to go to the church cause the young girl's were doing a sewing lesson today. So I had fun watching all them try to figure out how to sew. They made these really cute overnight bags, and I really want one but I don't want to have to sew it. Yes I know I'm bad, I just don't like to sew. But all the girl's did a very good job, and all their bags turned out really cute!
  Well that's pretty much my weekend so far. After the sewing we came home and I've been just chilling cause I'm tired now. I still have one more whole day left of my weekend and I can't wait to see what's going to happen. Sunday's are the best! I love going to church and being in the house of the Lord with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! God truly has blessed me with a wonderful life! :)